I have officially had my first week of freedom!! It is still hard for me to grasp that the kids are now in school.
So, what did I do with my newfound freedom? Well, I can lie and say I got a ton of stuff done, and the house all cleaned up, and the dog walked and all that stuff, but to be perfectly honest, I didn’t do a whole lot. My first few days I just relaxed. I went and got a pedi and did some grocery shopping with out the kids and it was totally awesome. I was able to make it through the store without having to break up a fight, or say NO a million times as we work our way down the snack isle.
Pat had the day off on Friday so we took advantage of it. He went with me to drop the kids off at school and then we went out to breakfast. It was kind of nice to be able to do that again. Actually, I think the last time we went out to breakfast, just the two of us, was back in the days before we had kids, probably hung over. After breakfast, we headed over to Grossmont to see a movie. Kind of nice, being able to do that without hiring a babysitter or having to have one of our parents in town. I don’t see us doing this every time he has an off Friday, but just knowing we have the option is kind of nice.
One of the things I have been working on is the office/sewing room/craft room. I think I finally have it just the way I want it. I’ll save that for another post, but at least I got something accomplished while the kids were at school. Ok, ok, I did most of it on Saturday, but still.
Oh, guess what comes along with kids starting a new school year? Colds!! Yup, Ella has her first cold of the school year. Hopefully it passes quickly and she can get back to having fun at school. Mostly I hope it passes fast and doesn’t turn into something bad and has to stay home from school because then I kind of lose my newfound freedom.