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Dear Niblick Dr,

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

To our little house on Niblick Dr:  I just want to say thank you.  Thank you for being the perfect first home for us.  Thank you for protecting us during the storms and keeping us safe.  Thank you for putting up with the crazy kids and dogs and our numerous house guests.  Thank you for teaching us so much about home ownership.


From the moment we walked in, 10 years ago, I knew right away that Niblick Dr would be our home.  It was quirky and had a ton of personality, and we instantly fell in love.  Over the years we have added our own little touches and turned it into our home.  Sure, we never got to do some of the projects we had in mind, but that didn’t make it any less “home” for us.  


Over the last 10 years, Niblick Dr, has held many firsts for us.  Soon after moving in, Pat and I got our first dog together.  Lunchbox may be a cranky, potty mouthed, old man now, but as soon as we got him, he fit right in!


After Lunchbox we found out that I was pregnant!  Pat and I put so much work into getting their room perfect for them.  I like how they have shared a room all these years, but I guess it’s time for them to each have their own space at the new house.  


Niblick Drive is the first and only house the twins have ever lived in.  The day we brought them them home it really made our house feel complete.  This is the house they took their first steps in and said their first words in.  The first time one of them got sick and I had to sit in a cool bathtub with them was in this house.  The first time they rode a bike and the first time they fell off their bikes was here too.  Over the years we have marked the passage of time on the hallway doorjamb as we watched them grow taller and taller.  The doorjamb has gotten rather dirty and gross as time has gone by, and I just haven’t been able to bring myself to clean it.  I feel like if I do, and all the markings come off, I won’t remember what it was like when they were at each stage.  I know it is rather silly since I have a million pictures from those times, but I just can’t do it.  I did transfer all those marks to a piece or parchment paper so I can put them in the new house, but it won’t be the same.  



Our little house on Niblick Dr has seen us at our highest and lowest points.  It is where Pat and I learned what it meant to be married and where we took that marriage and made it into a true partnership.  I almost feel like starting our life in a smaller home forced us to be in the same room together and hash out any problems that have come up.  It makes me feel better about moving into such a large home where we will each have our own spaces.  So again, thank you Niblick Drive for helping us create this amazing life we have and for holding onto so many memories.  You will be missed.

Update From Lunchbox

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

Hey everyone! Long time no blog. I’d like to blame the humans for not letting me on the laptop anymore, but honestly I’m just too old and tired to be bothered to share my awesome thoughts with the world. Oh, and my toenails are too long. Well, since I recently got a trim and there’s a ton to fill you guys in on, I decided to sneak Mommy’s laptop out of her bag and let you guys know what’s really going on.

A ton has changed since last time I put paw to keyboard, most notably that the annoying babies have turned into even more annoying kids. However, there is one thing that bears mentioning above the rest: the little bitch. The humans scold me when I call her that, but what else do you call a female dog who’s smaller than you? They call her Whiskey, but I’m pretty sure that’s just because they’re alcoholics and now no one can tell if they’re getting drunk or scolding the brown monster. Whatever her name is, a little over two years ago the humans brought home the insane monstrosity known as Whiskey. Sure, she started out cute but that got old about a month later when she chewed on my shoulder so much that I had to go into surgery to get a tiny little tumor removed (fine Dad, it was huge and gross). Anyway, the tumor wasn’t a problem for almost 8 years until she showed up. Since then, it’s been week after week of torture from my new “sister”. She’s always stealing my bed, stealing attention, and getting both of us in trouble. I’m sure I’m supposed to say I love her, so sure. Whatever. If you think she’s cute, you live with her. I could go on for hours about how annoying Whiskey is, but lately there’s more going on I need to fill you in on.

I’m not really sure what’s going on, but there is weird shit going on with the humans. It started a couple of months ago with putting a bunch of stuff in boxes. They were nice enough to avoid any of my stuff, but they did pack up a lot of the small human’s toys that I use when I can’t find my toys fast enough. Then, a weird sign appeared in the front yard. Shortly after, things got REALLY weird. All kinds of new people started coming by the house. You’d think that would annoy me, but it was great! Every time someone new came by, I got to go for a walk (which is awesome, even if the bitch has to go too). Occasionally, we’d even go to parks, restaurants, etc. It was like the old days, before the small humans took over. Lately the visitors have dropped off, but the packing has picked up again. Today, three strangers came over and put everything we own in boxes. They even boxed up almost all of my toys (I’d be annoyed, but brown poop-monster steals them all anyway). 

I’m not sure what’s going on, but the humans keep talking about how we are going to be “Colorado dogs” or “snow dogs”. So, when the humans were at dinner tonight I did a little Googling and figured out that Colorado is a state halfway across the country. Don’t even get me started on this “snow” shit. I watched some videos of dogs playing in snow that look like tons of fun, if you’re three or four. I’m 10! I’m way too old for this shit! I also looked up how long I’m going to have to share the back of the car with the beast. Three days?!? No thanks. Maybe whoever moves into our house wants an awesome, super-smart, well behaved “mature” dog.

That’s what’s going on in the life of Lunchbox lately. Annoying kids, super-annoying sister, and now this whole moving thing. So, basically the humans continue to suck and I continue to pay the consequences.


Shit Show

Sunday, April 30th, 2017

Holy.  Shit.  You guys, selling and buying a house totally sucks balls!!  I swear, there really needs to be a tv crew following us around filming this comedy/shit show.  So, lets just start at the beginning shall we.  

After our open house we had a great offer on our house that we accepted.  It was taking awhile to get their deposit in so our realtor finally got ahold of them, only to find out that one of them GOT DEPORTED!!  Like, seriously!!  How does that even happen?  I feel absolutely horrible for their family though.  I mean, I know things will work out with our house, but I can’t even imagine what they are going through.  So in the mean time, we had a trip to Colorado planned, since we were under contract and we would be able to find a house for us.  Well, right before the trip I found a house that we liked so we put in an offer, without seeing it.  We had already seen a house with the same floor plan, so we were pretty confident with the house.  We offered 10k over, plus no closing cost or anything like that but because our house fell out of escrow, it was a no go.  

Fast forward to our actual trip to Colorado. We got another offer on our house (Yay!), but they decided to withdraw the offer before we were able to get under contract again (Boo!)  We had put in an offer on another house we went to see, and they countered back basically saying that they need to see a contract for our current house.  Well shit.  Luckily our agent was able to talk to them and they gave us till the weekend to get under contract before they would officially accept our offer.  

We got lucky and ended up getting another offer on our house while we were in Colorado.  It wasn’t as good as the previous one, but at least it came in time for us to get under contract at the Colorado house.  Now we just need to hope that everything works out with both houses!!

The big problem was having with finding a house in Colorado is that there seems to be two types.  You get the really nice newer homes that need very little work done, but are sitting on tiny little lots or you have the older homes that need quite a bit of work done, but are sitting on the amazing lots that have natural yards, rather than manicured yards.  I wish I was able to just combine the two.  New house on an old lot.  The more houses I got see the more I realized that I will never be happy in one of the places with a tiny little lot.  As I have said before, I don’t want to settle.  

The house we ended up choosing has an amazing back yard and is in a really nice area full of trees and wildlife.  The inside needs A LOT of work and there are a few things that we had to compromise on, but in the end, it was the deck and yard that really won us over.  I can just picture myself sitting out there with my morning coffee or tea, or having friends over for a BBQ while our kids play on the play structure.  Even though we didn’t get everything we wanted, in the house, it will be awesome once we get it all fixed up and I plan on writing about all the “fun” projects!

Big Changes and Big Moves

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

Ok, so now that things are official we can finally tell you about our next big adventure: the Lorigans are moving to Colorado!!  This has been in the works for quite some time now and it has been pretty stressful.  Basically, San Diego is just too damn expensive.  Don’t get me wrong, I love where we live and I love our house, but there is no way we could ever move up and we are just outgrowing our house.  The kids are still sharing a room and the guest room is in the attic.  It is a tight fit when we have family staying here and we just don’t have the seating or space to add more.  An opportunity presented itself in Colorado and Pat is able to transfer there.  I’m sure there will be some changes, but for the most part he will be doing the same job and he will be traveling back to San Diego and Lompoc, just as he does now.  


In January I tagged along on one of Pat’s work trips and holy fuck!!  Of course we end up being there during a super cold snow storm!!  I was without a car so I had to Uber over to the mall and get some snow boots and long underwear.  It didn’t occur to me until that trip that I have a thing for ripped and distressed jeans.  Who knew those rips let in cold air?!?  At least I had a jacket!!  There was one night we walked over to a restaurant for dinner and it was below 0.  The wind chill was so bad it was actually painful to breath.  The next day it was just as cold, but we didn’t have the wind, so it was actually bearable.  I am used to winter weather being in the 50s and 60s, not the single and negative digits!!  Despite the cold, I absolutely loved it!  The city was beautiful and it had that smaller feeling I was looking for.  That trip really reaffirmed that we are meant to be there.   


IMG_9852 IMG_9851  IMG_9837


While I was there, I rode around town with our realtor so I could get a good idea of the area and the different neighborhoods.  I narrowed it down to two areas and I got a better idea of what kind of house I was looking for.  As much as I love the idea of walking into a brand new home, I really hated the backyards and neighborhoods that came with them.  I really want trees.  We decided that if we were doing this move to improve our lives in the long run, then we were going to get what we want damnit!!  And I want trees!!!  We do have a house in mind and I’ll write about it if we end up getting it, but since we are just starting to list our house I don’t want to rule out any others that might pop up.  I will say that if we end up getting this house, I will have a lot to write about as we work on doing some fun renovation projects.  


So, as long as things keep moving forward and all the timing lines up, we will be Colorado residents at the end of May!!  


With all the upcoming changes, we’ll be trying to get back into write about our adventures and misadventures a lot more.  


Time to try again

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

Ok, let’s try this thing again.  I’m not going to fill you in on the kids and life and stuff like that since anyone reading this is most likely friends with me on Facebook, or one of our parents.  The only thing I will say is that the kids are now 6 and are in Kindergarten.  Lunchbox is still with us, but is having some health issues, but that is a post for another time.  Our house is still standing, our lawn is still dead, and our cars are still running.

We’ll see how long this thing lasts this time!

On the Homefront

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

So, it has been a little over 5 years since we moved into our house.  When we first bought it, all the rooms were hideous colors and the kitchen was in desperate need of a make over.  Well, we took care of the color issue for the most part.  We still need to paint the office, but since that will be Jack’s room in a few years, he can pick the color when he moves in.  The kitchen is still God awful, but that’s just not in the budget right now.  One of the biggest projects I wanted to tackle when we moved in was the front and back yards.  In the front yard we basically have a shit load of jasmine bushes and some ugly bushes.  Part of the year we have some lilies that bloom.  I hate lilies!  Well, the other day we were out trimming the ugliest of the ugly bushes.  It is the one that happens to be totally blocking the kids window and is taller than our house.  Anyways, rather than trimming, I said what the hell and just started cutting it down.  I guess that was the jumping off point.  We have finally fixed our sprinklers so hopefully our lawn will come back nice and pretty.  We will most likely have to throw some seed out there too since our lawns have never actually looked good.  The next step will be to take out the dreaded jasmine bushes.  Don’t ask me why we decided to do this in the middle of summer when it is God awful hot, but hey, at least it’s getting done!!  I think one of the hardest parts is that we only have so much room in our yard waste cans and we don’t really have a way to haul a big load down to the dump so we are just doing a little at a time.  Now we just need to decide what do do with all the empty space we will have.  It is already nicely edged with some pretty bricks.

For the back yard, this will be an even bigger project!!!  In the fall when it starts to cool down, we are going to tear down the “sunroom”  This is a “room” that the previous owners built by using two carport frames, some tarps, some plywood, and some lattice.  Oh, and to keep it from leaking where it is butted up against the house, they used pool noodles.  I shit you not.  They actually used pool noodles!!!  Up until now it has been fine for storage, but it is starting to leak and it has always looked like we were living Arkansas with a guy and a banjo.  Soooo, come this fall, it is coming down!!!  In its place I will be building 4 raised garden beds.  I’m really excited about teaching the kids all about where our food comes from and maybe it will encourage them to actually eat something if they grew it.

The backyard is also home to a dead lawn that Lunchbox uses as his shitter.  Well, we are thinking of just tilling it all under and putting down some fresh sod.  when we moved in the lawn was sort of green, but it was mostly weeds that got mowed down every so often.  I’m hoping we can get the dog to take his business elsewhere, but that may be hard.  To finish it off back there, I was thinking of doing a playhouse for the kids for Christmas.  Shhhhh, don’t tell Pat!!!!


At War

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

March 20th, 2009:
I’ve been living in denial for months now, but the signs are too strong to ignore any longer. The mouse droppings in the sun room, the glimpses of a rat scampering back up into the palm tree when I go out to the patio late at night, (worst of all) the sounds of plotting coming from the attic. There really is no other explanation: the rodents are plotting to take us out. They’ve finally decided to put the information gathered by their mouse-spy months ago to use and launch their attack.

So far, the traps we’ve setup to defend against the rodents haven’t netted us any prisoners, but at least the enemy seemed to respect them and stay away. now it sounds like that’s all changing. It’s time to stop playing defense and go on the attack. We’ve carefully setup some traps in their territory (the attic), and hopefully we can take out a few of their warriors.

March 24th, 2009:
Well, it’s been four days since Shae and I launched our counter attack against the rodents and so far we haven’t had any real success yet. The rat seems to have retreated to the palm tree (or at least he’s doing a better job of hiding), but our traps in the attic have not succeeded. In fact, it seems that we are just feeding the mice peanut butter while they dodge the traps. Instead of capturing the enemy, I fear we’re actually giving them the protein they need to grow strong enough to launch a full-scale attack. We have no choice but to deploy the “Rat Zapper” that we acquired from Shae’s parents. I fear escalating the war, but the mice seem to be too smart for our outdated traps.

The Rat Zapper is an odd weapon. I thought we would bait it using cheese, but apparently you can’t use anything “cheese-like” because it will complete the circuit and fry the bait. I would think burnt cheese would be hard for a mouse to resist (it’s hard for me to resist), but I have no choice but to trust Shae since she has training on our new weapon. I guess the ideal bait for the Rat Zapper is cat food. This seems absurd to me. If you have cat food, it would stand to reason that you also have a cat. If you have a cat, why the hell do you need the Rat Zapper? Whatever, war is strange. We’ll have to make do with dog food and hope the Box doesn’t get his nose zapped trying to get a snack.

March 26th, 2009:
It seems we have vastly underestimated our adversary. Somehow, they found a way to disable our Rat Zapper; our new technology is no match for the rodent wits. (Either that, or the last rodent caught in the trap burned out the device. Whatever the cause, the Rat Zapper is not going to help us.)

In fact, instead of gaining a technological advantage over our enemies we seem to have upset the mice by escalating our attack. Today when I went to check on our attic trap I discovered that the trap was missing. That’s right, the rodents have stolen our weapons. I wonder what their plan is. Are they planning to set the traps up where we’ll set them off? Is one of the mice a mini-McGyver disassembling the traps for parts and building a super weapon? Things are not looking great for the humans in this war.

April 4th, 2009:
Our efforts seem to finally pay off. My scout (aka Shae) reported back that her morning trap-check was successful. We got one! Of course, my scout is of no use in disposing of our enemy’s body so up into the attic I go.

My examination of the battleground revealed some interesting intelligence. The scariest part of the scene was the trap itself. The casualty lay next to the trap, but something had eaten all of the peanut butter from the trap. That means that another mouse finished off its meal while his comrade lay dead just inches away. These rodents are heartless. They will stop at nothing to grow stronger in preparation of the next attack. Again, I may have underestimated the enemy.

Next to the successful trap, I found something even more interesting: the previously stolen trap. What could this mean? Was the fallen mouse attempting to setup the trap to use against us when he was taken out? Could he have been defecting and bringing us our trap as a peace offering to gain our trust? Did another mouse catch on to his plan and take him out before he could defect (and then feast on peanut butter afterward)? Was the trap never stolen in the first place, but instead just got pushed out of sight where we couldn’t see it until we went into the attic to clean up the carcass (that can’t be it). Today was a good day for our side, but the determination of the rodents is intimidating.

April 6th, 2009:
The mice seemed to go into hiding for a day or so after the fall of their fellow warrior, but they seem to be getting back to plotting again. As I sit on the couch typing, I can hear them scurrying about overhead. I fear what their next attack will bring, but after our successful attack we are optimistic. We have set out additional traps hoping to keep our momentum going. We have drawn first blood, and we are hopeful that we can end this war quickly. I guess it’s back to the battlefield. More updates as the war unfolds.

Home Invasion

Monday, September 15th, 2008

I had every intention of sitting down today and writing up one last post about my pregnancy woes, but something happened the other night that changed all that. We had a home invasion. Before you get all worried let me explain. At 4am I had finally fallen back asleep after a trip to the bathroom when I was awakened by something scratching at our window screen. I was a little freaked out so I turned on the lamp next to my bed. This of course woke Pat up. The next thing I knew, something jumped off our window sill, ran across our floor and took sanctuary under the recliner. I told Pat I thought I just saw a mouse on our window sill. He was groggy and a little upset from being woken up and he told me to just go back to sleep.

A few minutes later I actually saw the mouse run up the air conditioner cord and onto the window sill. He stood up on his hind legs and started scratching at the screen again. At this point, I realized two things. 1. This was either a HUGE mouse with super human strength, or a rat. 2. I needed to close the window or else there was going to be a hole in the screen pretty soon. Pat thought it would be a good idea to take the screen off, wait for super mouse to crawl back up and then he would just go out the window. I thought this was a great idea. Pat spent about 10 minutes trying to get the stupid thing off the window before giving up. During this whole mouse/rat ordeal guess what my awesome watch dog was doing. Absolutely nothing! This dog wakes up to every little sound, but as soon as there is something at our window, he sleeps through it. I do have to give him a little credit. He cleaned up after the monster mouse by eating all its dropping off the carpet. This was definitely not a pregnant mouse because there was a lot of droppings.

Anyways, after Pat got back into bed it was about 4:30 and I was wide awake. There was no way I was going to fall asleep with this stupid rat making a ruckus. I knew both Pat and I needed to get some sleep, so I moved into the living where I thought it would be quiet. Boy was I wrong. First of all, our house has an open foundation with hardwood floors and we are not sure the walls are actually insulated. You can hear every little noise! Our bedroom on the other had was added on much later and is very quiet. It makes me very thankful for our bedroom. Ok, by the time I get situated on the couch it is about 4:45. Do you know what happens at our house at 5am? The sprinklers come on. I never realized how loud they really are. We have 3 stations that are sprinklers go through. The whole thing takes about 20 minutes. At 5:20 the sprinklers finally turn off and I feel like I may be able to finally get some sleep. Nope.

Guess what I saw: another super human strength mouse. It ran across the living room floor and behind the curtains that are right next to the couch. How am I supposed to sleep knowing this mouse man is right next to me. I guess it ended up climbing onto the window sill because it dropped down onto the arm of the couch where my head was. After a few choice words for this evil demon, I decided it was just a mouse and it wouldn’t kill me. As I lay there thinking I really need to get some sleep, I realized it had been an hour since I last went pee, so up I got and headed for the bathroom. I finished my business and went back to the couch. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:50ish. Shit. in 10 minutes round 2 of the sprinklers would be kicking off. I said @#$% it and turned on the tv. I figured Pat would be up soon anyways since the dog never lets us sleep past 6 because thats what time he eats breakfast. Once again I was wrong. Apparently, he lets Pat sleep in until 7. What the hell is wrong with my dog?! During that hour I think I may have actually fallen asleep for about 30 minutes. Don’t worry, I was finally able to get some sleep later because it was football day.

I have a doctor appointment tomorrow so we will probably have something to post on the pregnancy front tomorrow.

Baby Math

Saturday, August 16th, 2008

Over the past few weeks Shae and I have attended a couple of baby-related classes (which I’ve already written about), and they’ve thrown out a few facts and figures. I thought I’d do the math on some of these and share.

  • According to our Baby Care Basics class, newborn babies go through about 10-12 diapers a day. Since these kids are mine it’s probably safe to assume they’re going to be closer to 12 a day. So, with two kids that means these little things are going to use 24 diapers a day. You know how many that is a week? 168! A month (we’ll use 30 days)? 720! What the hell?!?! 720 diapers a month? Crap. Literally.
  • Towards the end of the Childbirth Prep class we were informed that babies should be fed 8-12 times a day. Because it makes math easier, we’ll feed our kids 10 times a day. Each. So 20 times a day a baby is going to be latched onto wifey’s boob(s). Wow.
  • Also at the Childbirth Prep class we learned that the average baby sleeps 13 – 17 hours a day. I’m all for more sleeping so this isn’t one of the scary facts. I’m assuming my kids are going to sleep 17 hours a day because it makes me feel better.
  • Something doesn’t add up here. If babies sleep 17 hours a day, how the hell can they eat 10 times a day and still have time to mess up 12 diapers? Even assuming they multi-task and take care of the diapers while sleeping and eating they still seem to have a pretty busy day. No wonder kids these days are over scheduled, they’re overbooked the day they pop out.

We haven’t posted a picture of pregnant Shae lately, so we took another one yesterday. I think she’s gotten a little bigger since last time we posted a pic. Let’s just say Shae + (2 babies * ~32 weeks) =

As you can see in the second pic, Shae’s shirt (thanks Mom!) has two very true messages. There are twins in Shae’s belly, and her twins are moving south.

Finally, it seems like everyone nests differently. Some clean, some get the baby room ready, and some make new mirrors for the master bathroom. You can guess where Shae falls.

All Paint and No Play Makes Pat a Sore Boy

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

I’m not sure if it was the horrible tangerine color of our bedroom, or just because Shae loves to make me do shit, but somehow I got roped into painting our master bedroom/bathroom this weekend. Basically, the bedroom’s not finished, I’m sleeping on the couch, and the people who painted our house last should never be allowed to touch a paint brush again. Ever.

I should have known we were in trouble on Friday when I got home from work and Shae hadn’t started work on the room yet (my favorite part of the plan was the part where she did stuff while I was at work). After a few passive aggressive remarks to wifey, we got to work taking apart the bathroom. Of course, since it was evening, things got a little more interesting once we took down the light fixture. You don’t need light to paint, right? Eventually we go the bathroom taken apart and primed, and called it a night.

After a freezing night (well, freezing for SD…we had to leave our windows open to ventilate the room), we got up and went to work on the bedroom. Everything from the bedroom and the closet went into the only room in the house with space to hold it all–the guest room. I just want to take a second to suggest to anyone reading this that if you’re painting your bedroom and the only other bed in your house is in the guest room, you might want to find somewhere else to keep all of your crap. If you have to keep your crap in the guest room, at least keep the bed cleared. If you ignore those two suggestions, at least make sure that both of your air mattresses aren’t stored in a closet in the guest room that you can’t get to after filling the room up with all of your crap. Or, ignore my advice and just sleep on the couch. Shae and I chose the last option. We are super-smart sometimes.

Anyway, after we got all of our shit out of the room we went to work cleaning and prepping the bedroom. At this point, I have to ask: how hard is it to take off the outlet and switch covers? We’ve painted 3 rooms in this house and in every single room the previous painter(s) have been too lazy to take any of the covers off. Every switch and outlet cover has paint on the edges because apparently it’s too much effort to take 20 seconds and remove the damn covers. The master bedroom, though, set a new standard in painting laziness. There was an alarm keypad on one of the bedroom walls that had some LEDs on it (this has now been removed). To block the lights at night, someone had taken a plastic card with the keypad instructions and folded it over the panel. When we took the instructions off sure enough there was paint on the sheet. Who the hell is too damn lazy to take a 3×5 laminated piece of plastic off the wall when they’re painting? It took 1 second…it wasn’t even taped to the keypad.

In contrast to this, the painters took the time and effort to paint (almost) the entire closet interior (including the built in shelves) to match the horrid orange. The one part that they left unpainted (of course one random wall wasn’t painted, what else would we expect?) showed that before being painted orange the closet was white. It took about an hour to prime and another hour to paint the closet (and is a large part of the reason we didn’t finish painting yesterday). Who the hell would spend (at least) an hour or two painting a perfectly fine closet a horrible shade of orange, but not take the five minutes (or less) it would take to remove all of the outlet and switch covers in the room?

Anyway, that’s enough venting about the previous painters, back to our story. There’s not a whole lot else to tell except it’s Monday evening now and it’s about 50/50 that Shae and I will get to sleep in our bed tonight. On the bright side, we “watched” about 10 movies (as background noise, mostly chick flicks) and I got to witness Erica and Shae taking turns shampooing the bedroom carpet. Even unfinished the room looks about 100 times better than the awfulness that was the tangerine, and hopefully we’ll finish up the baseboards and touch-up in the next night or two and get moved back in. Pics will be uploaded to our photo album once we’re done.