A Morning at the Park

Written by Shae on October 20th, 2009

This morning the babies and I went to the park to meet up with some friends.  They had a blast!  Ella had fun walking around “talking” to everyone and taking their toys.  Jack played with the girls and hid behind the stroller.  I wanted to take them down the slide, but it was too wet.  I think they were pretty happy just chillin on the blanket.  I take that back, they tromped around everywhere, but the blanket.  Ella found some ants to sit in and Jack found some sand to eat.  They both discovered how fun it is to rub their hands all over the sand and concrete.

I had a good time too.  It was nice seeing Michelle again.  She has twin girls that are 9 months old, so it is fun to compare notes.  Angie was there with her 1 year old son and almost 5 year old daughter.  Ella had fun playing with the 1 year old.  Maribel was also there with her son who is 2ish.  After spending so much time chasing the kiddos around all day, it is nice to have some adult interaction from time to time.

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